The Company
Who are we?
Our background is a longtime experience and activity in the field of book and catalogue production (so-called Hardcover and Softcover Products) and work at all kinds of different in- and off-line book production machines. During this time we have extensively dealt with the subject of quality assurance for bound book products. From this experience we derived an efficient method of quality control, analysis, and assurance.
Since when is QLibro in the market?
The company QLibro has been founded in October 2004.
What is our Goal?
It is our goal to support you in quality-related issues and give you the necessary professional advice as well as provide hard- and software tools for an intelligent and effective quality control.
Pagepull Tests must be fast and precise. It should be easily possible to let the insight gained from measuring results flow back into the processes and thereby to increase the product quality.
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